Saturday, February 28, 2009

sick time part 2

I started having a panic attack before work today. Luckily I had my pocket bible on me and flipped to Philipians and read chapter 4:6-7

"6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I started repeating the verse aloud to myself in the car over and over and suddenly a wave of calm came over me. It turns out God did have a plan, and I followed instructions pretty well. Although I wanted to barge into the meeting with a "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME! I QUIT!" attitude, I managed to keep calm. Apparently the issue is that I work too independently, now at other jobs I was encouraged to work independently and to seek out projects to do on my own, but apparently I'm not seen enough because I'm always diving into projects on my own. To each company their own preferences I guess. I'm just glad they didn't ask me why I loved working there like they have before. I may have thrown up. I actually ended up having a pretty good day, despite working where I do, having to work on a Saturday, not feeling well and the pretenses upon which the day started. I guess the peace of Christ was on me the whole day and I actually (dare I say it) had some fun at work.

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